Fulfill your objective within a 4-minute timeframe or less!

Apply for a For A Loan
Up to 25 000 PHP

Uncover your eligibility by responding to a few inquiries

Are you currently employed or have a stable source of income?

Who is eligible to apply?

  • Employed individuals and selected professionals
  • Filipino Residents


  • Complete all transactions online without the need for in-person visits.
  • Experience effortless transactions from the comfort of your residence.
  • Obtain up to ₱10,000 within 4 minutes through our streamlined system.
  • Receive direct deposits into your designated bank account.
  • No requirement for guarantors, complicated documentation, or substantial deposits.
  • Benefit from a fully automated service catering to your financial requirements.


Experience the convenience of a Rapid Online Loan, a digital credit option with flexible repayment conditions.

  • Loan Range: ₱10,500 to ₱25,000
  • Duration: 3, 4, 5, 6 months
  • Interest Rate: 11.9% per month (maximum APR=143%)

Representative example:

Easily obtain PHP 20,000 by taking advantage of our adaptable repayment alternatives. Opt for a 6-month term and conveniently make monthly payments of only PHP 5,000. Embrace the benefit of a minimal total loan cost amounting to PHP 2,383 per month. The APR stands at 143%, ensuring a transparent borrowing experience.

Online Loans in the Philippines

In defiance of the long-standing counsel to cut expenses and steer clear of loans, numerous individuals strive to achieve financial stability, regardless of their background. Nevertheless, loans can serve as a pivotal factor in improving one's financial standing if employed judiciously. For instance, securing a loan for professional growth or skill acquisition can yield enduring advantages.

On the contrary, loans utilized for consumerist tendencies or recreational purposes will undermine financial stability. The pivotal factor lies not in the mere presence of loans, but in the manner in which they are utilized. Prudent utilization of loans can pave the way to financial independence, while imprudent usage can lead to financial catastrophe.

How do Instant Loans Work in the Philippines?

In the rural regions of the Philippines, the lack of accessible formal banking services presents a significant challenge, leaving a considerable portion of the population without conventional banking alternatives. This predicament creates a two-edged sword, as individuals often find themselves compelled to journey to more densely populated cities, only to encounter overcrowded banks and sluggish service due to the overwhelming influx of customers and protracted documentation procedures.

Conversely, procuring an online loan presents a swift and attainable solution, necessitating solely a valid identification and proof of income. Merely establishing an account on an online platform, submitting the requisite documentation to validate creditworthiness, and awaiting a decision within minutes can suffice. With a substantial rate of internet penetration in the Philippines, online loans have emerged as the preferred choice for pressing financial exigencies. They offer convenience and celerity, eliminating the inconvenience of venturing to far-flung banks and enduring protracted queues.

Are Online Loans Legit?

Not every online lending institution holds a legal status, emphasizing the need for utmost caution. To operate lawfully, online lending companies must fulfill the prerequisites of SEC registration and maintain a physical office in the Philippines. Nonetheless, certain illicit lenders solely operate through online platforms, exploiting unsuspecting customers through unethical tactics. Distinguishing between legitimate and illegal lenders can prove challenging when seeking immediate online loans. To guarantee your collaboration with a reputable lender, it is imperative to verify their credentials on the SEC website. For instance, Digido (one of our esteemed partners) stands as a fully authorized enterprise, boasting SEC Registration No.: 202003056 and Certificate of Authority No. 1272. Prioritize thorough research and ensure your association with a trustworthy online lending establishment.

What are Online Loans?

Attaining financial independence necessitates thorough preparation and self-control, but unforeseen costs can disrupt even the most well-thought-out financial strategies. During such times, obtaining loans from family, friends, banks, or lenders may be necessary. While banks offer low interest rates and adaptable loan terms, acquiring a bank loan can be intimidating, with numerous roadblocks. This is why many individuals turn to alternative choices, such as lender loans or online loans. Online loans provide a comfortable resolution for those requiring swift cash without the trouble of leaving their homes or looking for the best bargain.

Online loans give a slew of irresistible features for a prospective borrower:

  1. Explore loan options conveniently from your home or office through online lending, enabling easy comparison.
  2. Benefit from an automated system that handles loan evaluation, decision-making, and fund transfer in a fair and efficient manner.
  3. Enjoy unparalleled convenience with online lending, as lenders operate 24/7, allowing you to obtain a loan at any time.
  4. Experience a straightforward documentation process for online loans, with minimal requirements and no need for collateral or a guarantor.
  5. Embrace an impressive approval rate of 90% for online loans, without the cross-selling practices commonly found in some banks.
  6. Utilize the versatility of online loans, which can be used for any purpose.
  7. Rest assured that your financial information is kept private, eliminating the need to share details with a banking professional.
  8. Complete the loan application and disbursement process within hours, making online loans popularly known as "Same Day Loans."
  9. Simplify loan payment tracking with the help of online loan management tools.

The convenience and accessibility of online loans in the Philippines have sparked widespread acclaim. These loans have emerged as a sought-after choice for Filipinos seeking financial aid, owing to their minimal documentation requirements and impressive loan approval rates, even for individuals with less-than-perfect credit histories. Moreover, the rapid disbursal of funds further enhances their appeal, making them a compelling solution for those in need.

How to Take an Instant Loan Correctly and Profitably?

The allure of effortlessly obtaining immediate funds through online loans can entice individuals to rely on them for every financial need, often without careful deliberation. However, adopting such an approach without proper consideration can lead to financial turmoil, eventually spiraling into a cycle of debt.

Below are the crucial points in securing the right loan:

  1. Honesty is crucial when applying for loans as providing false information about your financial history can negatively impact your credit score and future loan prospects.
  2. Take the time to research and compare different lenders to find the best loan option for your needs.
  3. Avoid applying for loans from multiple lenders simultaneously to prevent multiple credit checks, which can lower your credit score.
  4. Before finalizing any loan agreements, thoroughly review and understand all loan documents and terms to make informed decisions.
  5. Create a solid repayment plan to ensure timely and complete loan repayment. Late or missed payments can harm your credit score and hinder future loan approvals.


Loans possess the dual nature of a two-edged blade. On one edge, they wield the power to provide a monetary thrust towards your aspirations. On the opposing edge, however, if mishandled or recklessly embraced, they can ensnare you in a perilous vortex of indebtedness. The pivotal element in harnessing the potential of loans lies within your grasp: comprehending your financial landscape and devising a meticulous blueprint. Through prudent evaluation of your requirements and astute choices, loans metamorphose into an invaluable instrument propelling you towards the coveted realm of financial emancipation.

Our Partners:

Kviku Lending Co. INC.

18A Trafalgar Plaza, 105 H.V. Dela Costa Street, Salcedo Village Makati City, the Philippines SEC Registration No. CS201918702.
Certificate of Authority No. 3169
NPC Registration No. PIC-001-791-2021

Example :
AMOUNT: 1000 php + COMISSION: 180 php = TO PAYOFF 1180 php
0.1% for the first loan

1ST LOAN: 25000 php, REPEATED: 25000 php, TERM: Up to 180 days


SEC Registration No. 202003056. Certificate of Authority No. 1272

Example :
AMOUNT: 1000 php + COMISSION: 18 php = TO PAYOFF 1018 php
0.01% for the first loan

1ST LOAN: 25000 php, REPEATED: 25000 php, TERM: Up to 180 days

Representative example:
You apply for PHP 20,000 and choose repayment over 6 months, your monthly payment will be only PHP 5,000 per month, your total cost of the loan will be PHP 2,383 per month (APR = 143%)

MoneyCat Financing Inc.

Address: Unit 1701 Tycoon bldg Pearl Drive st. Brgy San Antonio Ortigas Center Pasig City, ph 1800. Certificate of Authority To Operate Number: 1254 granted by the Securities & Exchange Commission

Fill out an online loans registration form and you can get up to 20,000 PHP on your account. MoneyCat Financing Inc. gives you an opportunity to take loans from reliable credit partners. To get a loan you need to provide: any document, phone number and bank account in your name.

Example :
AMOUNT: 1000 php + COMISSION: 18 php = TO PAYOFF 1018 php
0.01% for the first loan

1ST LOAN: 20000 php, REPEATED: 20000 php, TERM: Up to 180 days


is a brand of the company Fininity Ltd (registration number: 14523902, address: Tartu Street 84a, Tallinn, 10112, EE.)

This site is not a financial institution, bank, or lender. This site finds loans for customers, acting as an intermediary between a client who is looking to take a loan and a licensed financial institution. It is not responsible for any loan agreement. This website does not charge a service fee, nor is it responsible for the actions, inactions, or interest rates of any lender. You are never under any obligation to use the service, initiate contact, or request credit with any lenders this site connects you to.

Example :
AMOUNT: 1000 php + COMISSION: 60 php = TO PAYOFF 1060 php
0.1% for the first loan

1ST LOAN: 25000 php, REPEATED: 25000 php, TERM: Up to 60 days


is a brand of the company Fininity Ltd (registration number: 14523902, address: Tartu Street 84a, Tallinn, 10112, EE.)

This site is not a financial institution, bank, or lender. This site finds loans for customers, acting as an intermediary between a client who is looking to take a loan and a licensed financial institution. It is not responsible for any loan agreement. This website does not charge a service fee, nor is it responsible for the actions, inactions, or interest rates of any lender. You are never under any obligation to use the service, initiate contact, or request credit with any lenders this site connects you to.

Example :
AMOUNT: 1000 php + COMISSION: 60 php = TO PAYOFF 1060 php
0.1% for the first loan

1ST LOAN: 25000 php, REPEATED: 25000 php, TERM: Up to 60 days

Material disclosure

APR Disclosure: Transparency in loan agreements is paramount, and the Annual Percentage Rate (APR) plays a pivotal role in this regard. The APR serves as a crucial metric when selecting a loan, encompassing the interest charged throughout the loan's duration, along with associated fees and repayment schedule. Notably, loan APRs exhibit substantial variations contingent upon the loan type and lender. Cash advances tend to bear the highest rates, soaring up to 1386%, while personal loans typically span a spectrum from 4.99% to 450%. Prudent borrowers understand the significance of meticulously examining the APR and other loan stipulations before affixing their signature to an agreement, as lenders are legally obligated to disclose this pertinent information. It's worth noting that APR rates remain susceptible to fluctuations over time, necessitating vigilant awareness.

Material Disclosure: The operator of this website functions solely as an advertising platform and does not serve as a lender, intermediary, or representative of any lending institution. Our role entails connecting prospective borrowers with reputable participating lenders who may offer varying loan amounts, ranging from ₱10,000 to ₱25,000 for cash advances, up to ₱100,000 for installment loans, and up to ₱500,000 for personal loans. However, it is important to note that not all lenders can provide these specific loan amounts, and the acceptance of any loan request is not guaranteed by any participating lender. Our services are not intended to propose or solicit any illegal loan products. Furthermore, this is not a definitive loan offer, and there is no obligation to provide loans through our platform. We do not endorse or charge for any services or products, and any compensation received is solely in exchange for advertising services rendered by participating lenders. It is imperative to understand that this service and offer are void in prohibited areas. We lack control over the actions of any lender and therefore disclaim responsibility for them. Additionally, we do not have access to comprehensive loan details, including the Annual Percentage Rate (APR). For comprehensive information about your loan, such as specific terms, interest rates, renewal options, payment particulars, and potential consequences for missed payments, please directly contact your lender. By submitting your registration information on this website, it may be shared with one or more participating lenders. Utilizing our service does not impose an obligation to initiate contact with a lender, register for credit or any loan product, or accept a loan from a participating lender. Repayment terms, cash transfer durations, and local regulations may vary among lenders. Some lenders may require faxed documentation. These disclosures are intended solely for informational purposes and should not be construed as legal advice.

Credit Implications: The operator of this website is not involved in making lending decisions. Instead, we facilitate connections with independent participating lenders who may assess your creditworthiness and credit history by conducting checks with credit reporting agencies or obtaining consumer reports through alternative sources. By providing your information, you consent to these participating lenders verifying your details and credit history. The loans offered by the participating lenders in our network are designed to provide short-term financial relief and should not be considered a long-term debt solution. It is crucial that you borrow only what you can repay on your next payday. We recommend seeking professional financial advice to understand your needs, the associated risks, and alternative options to short-term loans. Late payments on loans may result in additional fees, collection actions, or both. Each lender operates under their own terms and conditions, so it is important to review them for detailed information. Failure to repay a loan may lead to collection activities. Furthermore, each lender has a unique policy regarding loan renewals, and it is advisable to review your lender's policy before proceeding.